Elphaba Lives!

Maguire is such a brilliant writer. Often in his books, a sentence will jump out at you because it is just so beautifully crafted and so very insightful. You have to take it in a few times, and let it roll around in your brain to appreciate it. I might just have to write to him and thank him for Son of a Witch. Yeah, it’s that good. Of course, you have to be ripe for a book. Lordy, am I ever ripe. Someone else might read it and think it is absolute shite. They are most likely a moron, a simpleton, or a Republican, but perhaps they are simply not ripe for that book at that moment. It’s just a theory.
The lovely thing about this series is the subtle and no-so-subtle social commentary. You can ignore it and enjoy the story, or you can appreciate it at that political level that is very apropos to our time and to the human condition in general, and the story gets even richer.
I wanna graffiti “Elphaba Lives!” all over town. And no, I am not giving away some juicy bit of plot line. It’s a metaphor, I assure you. A very green, sharp-toothed little metaphor.
Long live the good book!
HOW did you get an advance copy. MAIL IT, WOMAN. MAIL IT.
When is it out?
1:20 AM
Hah! Adam you are wonderful, but I would not let that book out of my sight for anything! The good news is that it will be releasing in less than a month. Two words, my good man: Pre-Order. It's worth it, I assure you. Both books would make such great films, IF a Studio had the balls to keep to the original feel, story, and settings of the books. But that is so unlikely. As will probably be proven by the first His Dark Materials movie, currently in process. I wait fearfully, expectantly, with high hopes and cynical expectations.
1:38 PM
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